To report a maintenance request, please contact your property manager from the list at the bottom of this page.
For after-hours emergency maintenance please call: 1-800-311-5152
We request that you be considerate of staff who must answer your emergency calls after hours. Please do not call after hours unless there is an emergency. (If the call is NOT an emergency and a Maintenance Technician responds, charges will apply.)
Listed below are items we consider an emergency:
Fire: Call 911
Criminal activity: Police department: Call 911
Water leaks where no shutoff valve is available to stop the flow of water, or where water would damage property or personal possessions if not stopped
Sewer stoppage that cannot be remedied with a plunger; (maintenance charges may be associated with water and sewer repairs once cause of problem is determined)
Elevator break-down;
Heating breakdown, if temperature falls below 55 degrees Fahrenheit;
Other events that may jeopardize the health or well-being of you or your family
When reporting the emergency please give your name, address, phone number and a description of the emergency.
Property Management Staff
Main phone #: 717-334-1518
Elizabeth Johnson, Senior Property Manager
ejohnson@adamscha.org, x242
Sarah Davis, Property Manager
Bonneauville Interfaith Gardens, Fahnestock House, Gettysburg Interfaith Gardens, McSherrystown Interfaith Village, Misty Ridge 3
sdavis@adamscha.org, x226
Samantha Crawford, Property Manager
Misty Ridge, Misty Ridge Townhomes
scrawford@adamscha.org, x232
Ivy Wolf, Administrative Assistant
For General Information, Applications, Application Processing
iwolf@adamscha.org, x200
Property Manager
Drummer Drive, Main Street, Stevens Street, Village Drive
Jen Heflin, Supportive Services
Fahnestock House, Old Friends at New Oxford, Misty Ridge, Gettysburg Interfaith Gardens, McSherrystown Interfaith Village
Christy Arnett, Property Manager
Anthony's Place, Harold Court, McIntosh Court, New Oxford Interfaith Gardens, Interfaith Lane, New Doors, Old Friends at New Oxford